Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 13:3-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. For rulers are not a cause of pachad (terror) to hitnahagut (conduct) that is of HaTov but HaRah. Do you want to be without pachad of memshalah (government)? Do HaTov, and you will have the commendation of the representative of the memshalah.

4. For he is the mesharet (minister, servant) of Hashem to you for HaTov. But if you do HaRah, be afraid. For he does not bear the cherev (8:35) to no purpose. For he is the mesharet of Hashem, an avenger for Charon Af (1:18 2:8; 3:5; 4:15; 5:9; 9:22; 12:19; 13:4) against the evildoer.

5. Wherefore it is necessary to be subject, not only on account of the Charon Af of Hashem, but also on account of matzpun (conscience).

6. For that is why you also pay tribute (taxes). For they are mesharetim of G-d engaged in this very task.

7. Render to everyone their due: tribute to whom tribute is due, tax to whom tax; fear to whom fear is due, respect to whom respect.

8. Owe, be indebted, obligated nothing to anyone except a choiv (debt) of ahavah (love); for he who has ahavah has fulfilled the Torah.

9. For the mitzvoh, LO TIN'AF, LO TIRTZACH, LO TIGNOV, LO TACHMOD, SHEMOT 20:13-15,17; DEVARIM 5:17-19,21) and any other of the mitzvot (commandments) is akitzur (restated, in summary), in this dvar Torah, V'AHAVTA L'RE'ACHA KAMOCHA ("You shall love your neighbor as yourself" VAYIKRA 19:18.)