Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 12:4-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. For just as in one body we have many members (natural capacities), and all the members do not have the same function,

5. So we all are one body in Moshiach, and are individually members one of another

6. Having matanot (gifts) which differ in accordance with the chesed (unmerited favor, grace) given to us. If we speak for G-d as nevi'im (prophets), it should be in proportion to the emunah given to us.

7. If we offer particular acts of avodas kodesh service, it should be used in serving. One who functions as a rabbinic moreh should be active in teaching.

8. One who imparts chizzuk (strengthening, encouragement) should be active in that avodas kodesh ministry. One who makes tzedakah (contributions) should do so with nedivut (generosity). The one in manhigut (leadership), with diligence. The one in bikkur cholim (visiting the sick) and gemilut chasadim (benevolence), with simcha.

9. Let ahavah (agape) be without tzevi'ut (hypocrisy). Hate what is haRah, be devoted to what is tov.

10. Show mishpochah (family) affection to one another in ahavah shel achvah (brotherly love). Be first in esteeming one another, in showing mutual respect.

11. Be zealous without negligence; with bren (fervor, hitlahavut) be burning with the Ruach Hakodesh. With avodas kodesh serve Hashem.

12. Have simcha in tikvah. Have zitzfleisch in tzoros. Keep davening tefillos.