Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 11:29-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. For the matnat Hashem and the kri'at Hashem are irrevocable.

30. For just as you Goyim were once without mishma'at to Hashem, but now have received chaninah (mercy, pardon) by their lack of mishma'at,

31. So also they have now been without mishma'at for your chaninah (mercy, pardon) in order that they also might receive chaninah (mercy) (Ro 9:15-16).

32. For G-d has confined all in disobedience in order that He might have chaninah (mercy) on all;

33. O the depth of the riches and the chochmah (wisdom) and da'as (knowledge) of Hashem. How unfathomable are His mishpatim and unsearchable His ways.

34. For who has known the Ruach of Hashem? Or who has been ISH ATZATO ("His Counselor") [Isa 40:13]?

35. Or who has given in advance to Him so that His presents come only as a (choiv) debt repaid? [IYOV 41:3 (11); Ro 4:4]

36. Because from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. Lo HaKavod l'Olamim. Omein. ("To Him be glory forever. Amen.")