Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Galatia 4:14-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. and your nisayon (trial) in my basar you did not despise nor did you loathe, but as a malach Hashem you received me, as Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua himself.

15. Where then is your birkat Shomayim? For I testify to you that if possible, having torn out your eynayeem (eyes), you would have made a mattanah (gift) of them to me.

16. So, then, have I become your oyev (enemy) by telling you HaEmes?

17. They (the mohalim haGoyim) are zealously courting you, but not in a good way; rather, they desire to cut you off and shut you out, in order that you may be zealous for them.

18. Now it is tov ma'od to be zealous in a good thing all the time, and not only during my presence with you.

19. My yeladim, for whom again I suffer chevlei leydah (birth pains) until Moshiach is formed in you,

20. Would that I were present with you just now and could change my tone, because I am baffled by you.

21. Tell me, you Goyim who wish to be under the Torah, do you not possess "shema" hearing of the Torah?

22. For the Torah says that Avraham Avinu had shnei banim (two sons), one of shifchah (the slave woman) and one of the gevirah.

23. But the one of the slave woman has been born according to the basar, and the one of the free woman has been born through the havtachah (promise).

24. Now these things can be taken derech mashal (figuratively); for these are two beritot (covenants, see 3:17), one from Mount Sinai bearing banim for avdut (slavery, bondage): this is Hagar.

25. Now, Hagar is the Mount Sinai in Arabia; and corresponds to the Yerushalayim of the present, for she is in avdut with her banim.

26. But the Yerushalayim above is a Bat Chorin (daughter of freedom), the Imma lechulanu (the Mother of us all TEHILLIM 87:5-6; SHEMOT 25:40; YESHAYEH 49:20f; 54:1-13).

27. For it has been written, RANNI AKARAH LO YALADAH PITZCHI RINNAH V'TZAHALI LO CHALAH KI RABBIM BENEI SHOMEMAH MIB'NEI VE'ULAH ("Sing, rejoice, O barren, the one not giving birth, break forth into song and shout for joy, the one not suffering birth pains; because more are the children of the desolate woman than the one having the husband" YESHAYEH 54:1).

28. But you, Achim b'Moshiach, are Bnei HaHavtacha (Sons of the Promise), like Yitzchak. [BERESHIS 18:10]

29. But just as at that time the one born according to the basar was bringing redifah (persecution) on the one born according to the Ruach HaKodesh, so it is now also.

30. But what does the Kitvei HaKodesh say? "Cast out the slave woman and her son, for never will the son of the slave woman inherit with my son, the son of the free woman" BERESHIS 21:10)

31. Therefore, Achim B'Moshiach, we are not Bnei "HAAMAH" (Sons of the Slave Woman) but Bnei HaKhofshi'yah (Sons of Lady Freedom, the Freedwoman).