Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Galatia 4:1-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now I say this: for however much time as the yoresh (heir) has not attained his majority (the state or time of being of full legal age, or his religious majority, his Bar Mitzvah), he differs nothing from an eved, though being Ba'al Bayit of all the nachalah (inheritance).

2. And he is under shomrim (guardians) and omnot (governesses) until the time previously appointed by the Ba'al Bayit.

3. So also we, when we were immature, had been enslaved under the yesodot (rudiments) of the Olam Hazeh.

4. But when the fullness of time had come, Hashem sent forth his Ben HaElohim [Moshiach, 2Sm 7:14; Ps 2:7; 89:27], born of an isha (Gn 3:15; Isa 7:14; Mic 5:2), born under the Torah,

5. That Moshiach might bring the Geulah (Redemption) to the ones under the Torah, that we might receive the Ma'amad HaBanim (the standing as sons), the bechirah adoption.

6. And because you are banim, Hashem sent forth the Ruach of His Ben HaElohim into your levavot, crying "Abba, Avinu!"

7. So you are no longer an eved but a ben; and if a ben, also a yoresh through Hashem.

8. But, formerly, when you did not have da'as (knowledge) of Hashem, you were avadim serving that which is by nature not HaEl Ha'Amiti (the true G-d).

9. But, now, having known Hashem, or rather having been known by Hashem, how is it that you are returning to the weak and beggarly yesodot (rudiments) of the Olam Hazeh to which again you want to renew your service as avadim?

10. You [Galatian Goyim] observe yamim (days) and chodashim (months, new moons) and mo'adim (fixed times, festivals) and shanim.

11. I fear for you, lest somehow efsher (perhaps) I have labored for you lashav (in vain).

12. Become as I am, because I also became as you are, Achim B'Moshiach. I implore you. You did me no wrong.

13. And you know that it was due to chulshat habasar (weakness of the flesh, sickness) that I first preached the Besuras HaGeulah to you,

14. and your nisayon (trial) in my basar you did not despise nor did you loathe, but as a malach Hashem you received me, as Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua himself.

15. Where then is your birkat Shomayim? For I testify to you that if possible, having torn out your eynayeem (eyes), you would have made a mattanah (gift) of them to me.