Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Galatia 2:17-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. Now, if, by seeking to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM in Moshiach, we ourselves were found also to be chote'im (sinners) [2:15; Ro 3:9,23], then in that case is Moshiach a kohen for iniquity, a minister serving sin? Chas v'Shalom (G-d forbid!)!

18. For if what I destroyed, these things I again rebuild (1:23; 5:2), I display myself to be a poshei'a (transgressor).

19. For I, through the Torah (3:13), died in relation to the chok (Ro 7:4-6), so that I might live to Hashem. With Moshiach I have been talui al haetz (hanging on the tree, DEVARIM 21:23).

20. But it is no longer Anochi (I) who lives, but Moshiach who lives in me, and the Chayyim I now live in the basar, I live by emunah, emunah in the Ben HaElohim [Moshiach], the one having ahavah (agape) for me and having given himself over, on my behalf.

21. I do not set aside the Chen v'Chesed Hashem; for if the MAH ("how") an ENOSH ("man") is to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM (IYOV 25:4) is found through chumra (legalism), then Moshiach died for nothing and L'TOHU (in vain) [Isa 49:4; 65:23].