Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Ephesus 5:7-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. Therefore, do not be shuttafim (partners) with them.

8. For you were once Choshech, but now you are Ohr (Light) in Hashem. Fier zich (comport oneself) in your derech as yeladim of HaOhr.

9. For the p'ri HaOhr is in doing chesed and tzedek and emes,

10. Proving that which is well-pleasing be'einei Hashem (in the eyes of G-d).

11. And do not involve yourself in the ma'asei haChoshech (works of darkness), those works without p'ri; but rather even expose them.

12. For as to the things being done by them under cover of secrecy, it brings bushah (shame) and is a bizayon (disgrace) even to speak of them.

13. But everything being exposed by HaOhr (Light) becomes visible,

14. For everything becoming visible is HaOhr (Light); therefore here is the meaning of these words, KUMI, ("Rise up!" YESHAYAH 51:17; 60:1), sleeper, and arise from the MESIM" YESHAYAH 26:19) AND Moshiach WILL SHINE ON YOU (YESHAYAH 60:1 2). [MALACHI 4:2]

15. Therefore, fier zich (comport oneself) in your derech with a careful walk, not as kesilim (fools) but as chachamim (wise ones),

16. Redeeming the time, because the yamim are ra'im.

17. Therefore, do not be foolish, but have binah of what the ratzon Hashem is.

18. And do not become a shikker with schnapps, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Ruach Hakodesh, [VAYIKRA 10:9; MISHLE 20:1; YESHAYAH 28:7]

19. Speaking to one another in Tehillim and shirim and hymns and neshamah niggunim mi Ruach Hakodesh (soul melodies from the Ruach Hakodesh), singing and making melody in your levavot to Adonoi, [TEHILLIM 27:6]

20. Giving todot always for everything to Eloheinu, even Avinu b'Shem Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, [IYOV 1:21; TEHILLIM 34:1]