Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Ephesus 4:14-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. In this way, we are no longer olalim (infants) tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of limmud (instruction), by the cunning of Bnei Adam, with craftiness leading to the scheming of remiyah (deceit) and madduchei shav (delusion); [YESHAYAH 57:20]

15. But telling HaEmes in ahavah, let us grow up in every respect unto Him who is the Rosh, Moshiach,

16. From whom all HaGuf HaMoshiach being fitly joined together and being united in an agudah binding by that which every joint contributes according as each part's proper working process promotes the growth of HaGuf HaMoshiach in building itself up in ahavah.

17. This therefore I say and give solemn edut in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu: no longer are you to fier zich (comport oneself) in your derech as also the Goyim walk, in the futility of their machshavot (thoughts),

18. Their binah (understanding) being in choshech, having been alienated from the life of Hashem because of the ignorance existing in them, because of the KESHI (stubbornness, hardness DEVARIM 9:27) of their levavot, [DEVARIM 29:4]

19. Who, having put away remorse, gave themselves over to zimah (lewdness) for the practice of every kind of tumah (uncleanness) with chamdanut (covetousness).

20. But you did not so have lernen of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach,

21. If indeed you heard about Him and took shiurim in Him, as HaEmes is in Yehoshua.

22. For the torah you received was that you must disrobe from your former derech of your old self, the one being corrupted according to the ta'avot of AKOV [deceitful, YIRMEYAH 17:9] remiyah (guile)

23. And to be renewed by the Ruach Hakodesh controlling your machshavot (thoughts)

24. And to enrobe yourself in the Adam HeChadash (the new Man, humanity) having been created according to the demut Hashem in tzidkat Eloheinu and in the kedushah of HaEmes.

25. Therefore, disrobed from Sheker (Falsehood, Lying], let us speak HaEmes [ZECHARYAH 8:16], each one with his re'a (neighbor), because we are evarim (members) one of another. [Ps 15:2; Lev 19:11]

26. Have ka'as and do not sin; do not let the shemesh go down on your anger. [TEHILLIM 4:4]

27. Do not give opportunity to Hasatan.