Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Ephesus 4:11-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. And He gave some to be shlichim, and some nevi'im, and some gifted to be used in Kiruv efforts for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and some supervising mashgichim ruchaniyim (spiritual overseers) who are ro'im and morim in the Kehillah,

12. For the equipping of the Kadoshim for the work of avodas kodesh ministry, to the building up of HaGuf HaMoshiach

13. Until we all attain to the achdus (unity) of the emunah and to the da'as (knowledge) of the Ben HaElohim, to the Bnei Chayil maturity, to the measure of the stature of the melo (plentitude) of Moshiach.

14. In this way, we are no longer olalim (infants) tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of limmud (instruction), by the cunning of Bnei Adam, with craftiness leading to the scheming of remiyah (deceit) and madduchei shav (delusion); [YESHAYAH 57:20]

15. But telling HaEmes in ahavah, let us grow up in every respect unto Him who is the Rosh, Moshiach,

16. From whom all HaGuf HaMoshiach being fitly joined together and being united in an agudah binding by that which every joint contributes according as each part's proper working process promotes the growth of HaGuf HaMoshiach in building itself up in ahavah.

17. This therefore I say and give solemn edut in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu: no longer are you to fier zich (comport oneself) in your derech as also the Goyim walk, in the futility of their machshavot (thoughts),