Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Ephesus 2:2-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. In which you amol (formerly) fier zich (comported oneself), according to the course of the Olam Hazeh, according to the Sar of the authority of the air [the Samekh Mem, Hasatan, teivel, the devil], the ruach now working in the bnei haMeri (sons of Rebellion).

3. Among them we too all formerly conducted ourselves in the ta'avot of our basar, following the lusts of the flesh and of the machshavot (thoughts), and we were by nature Bnei Rogez (Sons of Anger) of Hashem, as also the rest.

4. But Hashem, being rich in rachamim (mercy), because of His ahavah harabba (great love) with which He loved us,

5. Even when we were dead in our peysha'im, He made us alive together with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach (by the unmerited Chen v'Chesed Hashem you have been delivered in your personal Geulah and the Yeshu'at Eloheinu), [TEHILLIM 103:12]

6. And raised us up with Moshiach and seated us with Him in Shomayim in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua,

7. In order that, in the Olam HaBah, He might display the surpassing osher of the Chen v'Chesed Hashem of Him in chesed toward us in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

8. For by unmerited Chen v'Chesed Hashem you have been delivered from Hashem's Mishpat (Judgment) and granted a share in the Geulah (Redemption), through emunah; and this is not [an einfal (intuitive idea)] of yourselves, it is a matnat Hashem (gift of G-d);

9. Not the result [of the zchus (merit)] of doing ma'asim (works) [Ac 15:1; Ga 5:3 4], so that before Hashem no man should be a ravrevan (boaster, braggart). [DEVARIM 9:5]

10. For we are His masterpiece, having been created in Moshiach Yehoshua for ma'asim tovim, which Hashem prepared beforehand, that the derech of our halakhah should be in them.[YESHAYAH 29:23; 42:7; 60:21;]

11. Therefore, have zikaron (remembrance) that formerly you, the Goyim in the flesh, who are called "arelim" (uncircumcised ones) by the ones being called "nimolim" (circumcised ones) which is a Bris Milah performed in the flesh by human hands

12. Have zikaron (remembrance) that you were at that time bazunder (unrelated and separate) from Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having been alienated from the torat haEzrakhut (the citizenship) in the Am Brit, from Yisroel, being zarim (strangers) to the Beritot HaHavtacha, farloiren (lost) and having no tikvah (hope) and without G-d in the Olam Hazeh. [YESHAYAH 14:1; 65:1]