Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Corinth 2 8:3-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. That according to their ability, I give solemn edut, and ad kdei kach (so much) even beyond their ability, they gave voluntarily and of their own accord,

4. Begging us, requesting from us the privilege of participating in giving tzedakah to the Messianic Jewish ministry of the Kadoshim [Ro 15:26; Ac 11:29; 2C 9:1]

5. And this not merely according to tikvateinu. They gave themselves first to Adoneinu and to us [Moshiach's Shlichim] birtzon Hashem (in the will of G-d),

6. So that it was necessary for us to urge Titos that as he began and made a haschala (start) before, so he should complete among you also this mitzvah of avodas kodesh of the Chen v'Chesed Hashem.

7. Now just as you abound in everything --in emunah, in torah, in da'as [1C 1:5] and in all zerizut (diligence) and in our ahavah (love) for you--see also that you excel in this Chen v'Chesed Hashem. [1C 16:1 2]

8. I do not lay this out as a mitzvah, but the sincerity of your ahavah I am testing against the zerizut of others,

9. For you have da'as of the Chen v'Chesed of Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, who, though being rich, for your sakes, he became poor, [Mt 8:20; Pp 2:6-7] that you by Moshiach's oni (poverty) may become rich.

10. And in this I give my etza (advice): it is tov me'od that last shanah you were the first not only to give tzedakah but also to be willing to do so.

11. Now also complete what you started! Then your readiness in desiring it may be matched by your finishing it from what you have. [SHEMOT 25:2]

12. For if the readiness is already present, it is acceptable according to whatever one may have --not according to what one does not have. [MISHLE 3:27-28; Mk 12:43]

13. For it is not that there should be relief to others and distress and tzoros to you, but that there should be a balance of equality

14. During the present time of your abundance for those who lack, and also for your lack there may be their abundance, [2C 9:12] so also there may be equality,

15. As it has been written V'LO HE'DIF HAMARBEH V'HAMMAMIT LO HECHSIR. ("The one that gathered the much did not have too much and the one that gathered little did not have too little" SHEMOT 16:18)

16. But Baruch Hashem, the One having given the same zerizut (diligence) for you in the lev (heart) of Titos,