Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Corinth 2 6:1-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. As we work together with him, we also urge you not to receive the Chen v'Chesed Hashem in vain. [2C 5:20]

2. For he says "In a time acceptable I heard you and in a day of salvation I helped you" [YESHAYAH 49:8]. Hinei, now is the acceptable time; now is the Yom Yeshu'ah, [Ps 69:13; Isa 55:6; Lk.4:19-21]

3. Not giving in anything a cause for michshol, lest the Messianic Avodas Kodesh (holy worship, service) be blamed;

4. But in everything presenting ourselves [2C 4:2] as mesharetim of Hashem in much savlanut (patience), in tzoros, in hardships, in distresses,

5. In beatings, in imprisonments, in riots, in labors, in watchings, in tzomot;

6. In purity, in da'as, in longsuffering, in chesed, in the Ruach Hakodesh, in ahavah amittit,

7. In the dvar HaEmes, in the gevurat Hashem, through the weapons of Tzedek of the right hand and of the left.

8. Through honor and dishonor, through ill repute and good repute; as "deceivers" and yet true,

9. As being unknown and yet being well known, as dying and hinei, we live! As given the mishpat mavet and yet not penalized with death;

10. As having agmat nefesh but always having simcha, as poor but enriching many, as having nothing and yet possessing everything.

11. We have spoken freely with you Corinthians, our levavot has been enlarged.

12. There is no penury in our affections, only in yours.

13. Now (I speak as to yeladim) make a fair exchange and open wide your levavot [1C 4:14].

14. Do not become unequally yoked with koferim (unbelievers) [Ep 5:7,11] for what shuttafut (partnership) has Tzedek with Lawlessness? Or where is the Brit (Covenant) between Ohr (light) and Choshech (darkness)? [BERESHIS 24:3; DEVARIM 22:10]

15. And what harmony does Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach have with B'liya'al? Or what chelek (allotment, inheritance) has a ma'amin with an Apikoros?