Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Corinth 2 5:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. For we have da'as that if the beit mishkaneinu [IYOV 4:19; 2C 4:7] is made churban, we have a bais from Hashem, a Bais not made with hands, in Shomayim L'olamim. [YESHAYAH 38:12]

2. For indeed in this mishkaneinu we groan, longing for the train of our robe to be our sukkah from Shomayim. [Ro 8:23]

3. If indeed thus clothed we will not be found naked.

4. For while we are still in this mishkan, we groan under our burden, in as much as we do not want to be unclothed but to be clothed, that the mortal may be swallowed up by Chayyim.[1C 15:53-54]

5. Now the One having prepared us for this very thing is Hashem, the One having given us the eravon (pledge) of the Ruach Hakodesh. [Ro 8:16,23; 2C 1:22; Ep 1:13]

6. Therefore we always have bitachon since we have da'as that being at home in the basar, we are away from home in Adoneinu. [MJ 11:13-16]

7. For we walk by emunah (faith), not by sight; [1C 13:12]

8. Therefore we have bitachon and are pleased rather to leave home from the basar and to be at home with Adoneinu. [Pp 1:23]