Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Corinth 2 11:16-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. Listen here, let no one think me a tipesh (idiot). But if you do think me a yold (fool), then receive me as a yold that I, too, may boast ki hu zeh (a small amount). [2C 12:6]

17. What I speak in this bitachon of boasting, I speak not according to Moshiach Adoneinu, but as a yold.

18. Als (since) many boast according to the basar, I also will boast.

19. For magnanimously you put up with fools, being such talmidei chachomim yourselves!

20. For you put up with it quite well, if anyone trades you into slavery, if anyone turns you into their supper, if anyone lifts your wallet, if anyone exalts himself into your gontser macher, if anyone gives you a klop in the ponem.

21. To my bushah, I say that we were too weak for that! But, nevertheless, in whatever way anyone may have chutzpah in foolishness, I also will speak with chutzpah.

22. Are they Ivrim? So am I. Are they Yisre'elim? So am I. Are they Zera Avraham? So am I. [Pp 3:5]

23. Are they mesharetei HaMoshiach? --I am talking like someone who is meshuggah.-- [1C 15:10] I can outdo them: in labors more abundantly, in imprisonments more frequently, in beatings more by far, and often near death.

24. By Yehudim chamash p'amim I had the arba'im lashes minus one! [DEVARIM 25:3]

25. Shloshah p'amim I was beaten with rods, [Ac 16:10] pa'am achat I was stoned [Ac 14:19], shloshah p'amim I was shipwrecked, spending a lailah and a yom in the open sea;

26. In journeys often, in sakanot mavet (mortal danger) from rivers, in sakanot mavet from robbers, in sakanot mavet from my own people [Ac 9:23], in sakanot mavet from Goyim [Ac 14:5], in sakanot mavet in the shtetl, in sakanot mavet in the country, in sakanot mavet in the sea, in sakanot mavet among achei sheker (false brothers);

27. In labor and toil, in watchings, often in famine and thirst, in tzomot often, in cold and nakedness; [2C 6:5];

28. Beside the things from without, there is the pressure on me yom yom, the care of all of Moshiach's Kehillot.

29. Who is weak and I am not weak? [1C 9:22] Who is caused to fall into chet (sin), and I do not burn?