Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Corinth 2 10:3-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. For though walking in basar, we war not according to the basar,

4. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the basar, [Ep 6:13 17] but full of ko'ach through Hashem to the overthrowing of strongholds, reasonings [Jer 1:10; 23:29]

5. And every high minded thing rising up against the da'as of Hashem, and leading captive every machshavah (thought) into the mishma'at of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, [Isa 2:11,12]

6. And prepared to discipline all disobedience whenever your mishma'at (obedience) is completed. [2C 2:9]

7. You look at things according to outward appearance. If anyone has persuaded himself that he belongs to Moshiach, have zikaron (recollection) of this: as he is of Moshiach, so also are we.