Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Colossae 3:9-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Do not speak sheker to one another, having disrobed from the Adam hakadmoni (old [unregenerated] humanity) with his ma'asim (works),

10. And instead enrobe with the Adam HaChadash, the one being renewed in da'as in accordance with the demut (1:15; BERESHIS 1:26-27; Pp 2:6) of the One having created him.

11. Here there is neither Yevani nor Yehudi, there is neither those who are or are not of the Bris Milah, there is no uncultured non-Greek speaker, there is no Scythian, eved, or Ben Chorin, but rather Moshiach is all in all.

12. Therefore, as Bechirim (Chosen ones) of Hashem, Kadoshim and ahuvim, enrobe yourselves in tender feelings of rachmei Shomayim (heavenly compassion, mercy), chesed (lovingkindness), anavah (humility), shiflut (lowliness), and savlanut (longsuffering),

13. Being soivel (bearing with) one another and extending selicha (forgiveness) to each other, if it should be that one is murmuring his complaint against another; just as Adoneinu extended selicha to you, so also you should extend selicha.

14. And to all these things add ahavah, which is the agudah of tamimim.

15. And let the shalom of Moshiach arbitrate in your levavot. You were called to this shalom in one NEVELAH [DEVARIM 21:23; cf geviyah, BERESHIS 47:18; cf basar, TEHILLIM 16:9-10; IYOV 19:25-27; YESHAYAH 53:11, guf (body)]. Let there be todah in your levavot.

16. Let the dvar of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach make its mishkan in you richly, in all chochmah and in all Moshiach's pnimiyus haTorah (innermost Torah teaching) and words of chizzuk, ministering to one another with Tehillim, shirim, and neshamah niggunim miRuach Hakodesh (soul melodies from the Ruach Hakodesh) with gratitude, singing in your levavot to Hashem. [TEHILLIM 47:7]

17. And whatever thing you do, whether in dvar or in ma'aseh, do all things b'Shem Adoneinu Yehoshua, giving todot to Elohim HaAv through him [Moshiach].

18. Nashim (wives), make yourselves accountable to your ba'alim (husbands), as is proper in Adoneinu.