Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Colossae 3:3-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. For you died and the Chayyim of you has become nistar (hidden, 2:3) with Moshiach in Hashem.

4. When Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach who is Chayyeinu (our Life) is made manifest in hisgalus (revelation), then also you with Him will be made manifest in hisgalus in kavod.

5. Therefore, put to death your evarim (members) in the Olam Hazeh: zenut (fornication), debauchery, sensuality, zimmah (licentiousness), and chamdanut (covetousness), which is avodah zarah (idolatry).

6. Because of such things as these the charon af Hashem habah (the coming burning wrath of Hashem) is on the way.