Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Colossae 2:8-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. Beware lest there be anyone of you taken captive through philosophical tevunah (wisdom) and empty deceit according to the kabbalah (oral tradition) of mere Bnei Adam, according to the ikkarim (basic principles) of the Olam Hazeh and not according to Moshiach;

9. Because in Moshiach kol melo Elohim (all the plentitude of G-d) finds its bodily maon laShechinah (dwelling place for the Shechinah).

10. And you have been granted melo (plentitude) in Moshiach, who is the Rosh of all rule and authority.

11. In Moshiach also you were circumcised with a Bris Milah not made with human hands, a Bris Milah of the surgically removing of the body of the basar (old fallen and unregenerate nature) in the Bris Milah of Moshiach,

12. Having been buried in the Ohel of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's tevilah with him, with whom also you were made to stand up spiritually in the Techiyah together through your emunah and bitachon in the ma'aseh of Hashem who made Moshiach stand up from the Mesim.

13. And you being dead in your peysha'im (YESHAYAH 53:8) and your orlat basar (uncircumcision of flesh) he made alive together, you together with Moshiach, having granted you selicha for all your peysha'im;

14. Having erased the handsigned sefer of guilt choiv (debt), the heavenly indictment against us in the maleh chukat haTorah (full statute requirement of the Torah), which was against us. Moshiach has done away with this opposing record, having nailed it to Moshiach's Etz.

15. Having disarmed the rulers and the authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, having triumphed over them by Moshiach's Etz.