Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Colossae 2:1-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. For I want you to have da'as of how great a ma'avak (struggle) I have for you and the ones in Laodicea, and as many as have not seen me panim el panim (directly, in person),

2. That their levavot may be given chozek (strength), having been made an aguda of ahavah and all osher (wealth) of the full assurance of binah, resulting in the da'as of the raz of Hashem, namely Moshiach,

3. In whom is nistar (hidden) all the otzarot (treasures) of chochmah and da'as. [YESHAYAH 11:2; YIRMEYAH 23:5]

4. This I say so that no one may delude you with the sleight of hand of the ba'al melitzot (rhetorician).

5. For, though absent in basar, but present with you in the Ruach Hakodesh, with lev same'ach (glad heart) I am seeing your order and the firmness of your [Orthodox Jewish] emunah in Moshiach.

6. Therefore, as you became mekabel Moshiach and received Moshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua, so let your halichah be in Him,

7. Having been rooted and built up in Moshiach and being firmly founded in the emunah as you were given Messianic [orthodox] lernen [study], abounding in hodayah.

8. Beware lest there be anyone of you taken captive through philosophical tevunah (wisdom) and empty deceit according to the kabbalah (oral tradition) of mere Bnei Adam, according to the ikkarim (basic principles) of the Olam Hazeh and not according to Moshiach;

9. Because in Moshiach kol melo Elohim (all the plentitude of G-d) finds its bodily maon laShechinah (dwelling place for the Shechinah).

10. And you have been granted melo (plentitude) in Moshiach, who is the Rosh of all rule and authority.