Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 39:15-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. And forgetteth that the regel may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them.

16. She treats harshly her banim, as though they were not hers; though her labor should be in vain, yet she is without pachad (fear, care),

17. Because Elo'ah hath deprived her of chochmah, neither hath he imparted to her binah.

18. Yet at the et (time) she flaps her wings [to run], she laughs at the sus and his rider.

19. Hast thou given the sus gevurah? Hast thou clothed his neck with a flowing mane?

20. Canst thou make him leap like an arbeh (locust)? The hod (glory) of his snorting strikes terror.

21. He paweth in the emek (valley), and rejoiceth in his koach; he chargeth into the fray.

22. He laugheth at pachad, and nothing fears; neither turneth he back from the cherev.

23. The quiver rattleth at his side, the glittering spear and the kidon (scimitar, curved sword).

24. He eats up the eretz with fierceness and rogez (rage); neither standeth he still at the sound of the shofar.

25. As often as the shofar, he snorts Aha! and he smelleth the milchamah afar off, the shout of the sarim, and the teru'ah (battle cry).