Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 30:13-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. They break up my road, they set forward my overthrow, they have no ozer (helper).

14. They approach me as through a wide breach; in the shoah (desolation, Holocaust), they rolled themselves upon me.

15. Ballahot (terrors) are turned upon me; they pursue my dignity like the ruach, and my safety passeth away like a cloud.

16. And now my nefesh ebbs away from me; the yemei oni have taken hold upon me.

17. My atzmot are pierced in me in the night, and my gnawing pains take no rest.

18. By great koach is my garment disfigured; it bindeth me about like the collar of my kuttonet (chiton, robe).

19. He hath cast me into the chomer, and I am become like aphar and ashes.

20. I cry unto Thee, and Thou dost answer me lo (not); I stand up, and Thou regardest me not.

21. Thou art become cruel to me; with Thy strong yad Thou opposest Thyself against me.