Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 29:12-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. Because I delivered the oni that cried out, and the yatom that had no ozer (helper) for him.

13. The birkat oved (blessing of the oppressed) came upon me, and I caused the lev almanah to sing for joy.

14. I put on tzedek, and it clothed me; my mishpat was as a robe and a tzanif (turban).

15. I was eyes to the ivver, and feet was I to the pisei'ach.

16. I was an av to the evyonim (needy); and the cause which I knew not I investigated.

17. And I broke the fangs of the wicked, and plucked the prey out of his shinayim.

18. Then I said, I shall die in my ken (nest, house), and I shall multiply my yamim like the chol (sand).