Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 27:5-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. Far be it from me I should justify you; till I die I will not remove mine tom (integrity) from me.

6. My tzedakah I hold fast, and will not let it go; my lev shall not reproach for any of my days.

7. Let mine enemy be as the rasha (evildoer), and he that riseth up against me as unrighteous.

8. For what is the tikveh of the chanef, when He cutteth off, when Eloah taketh away, his nefesh?

9. Will El hear his cry when tzarah cometh upon him?

10. Will he delight himself in Shaddai? Will he always call upon Eloah?

11. I will teach you concerning the yad El; that which is with Shaddai will I not conceal.

12. Hen (behold), all ye yourselves have seen it; why then are ye thus altogether vain?

13. This is the chelek (lot) of the adam rasha with El and the nachalah of oppressors, which they shall receive from Shaddai.