Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 24:1-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Why are times [for judgment] from Shaddai not kept, and why do those who have da'as of him not see his yamim [days [of assize])?

2. Some move the boundary stones; they steal edar, and pasture them.

3. They drive away the chamor of the yetomim, they take the ox of the almanah for a pledge.

4. They thrust the needy out of the derech; the poor of the eretz needs hide themselves together.

5. Look, as wild donkeys in the midbar go they forth to their work; foraging for teref (nourishment); the wilderness yieldeth lechem for them and for their na'arim.

6. They reap every one his fodder in the sadeh, and they glean the kerem of the resha'im.