Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 22:15-30 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. Wilt thou note the orach olam which wicked men have trodden?

16. Who were cut down before their time, whose yesod was overflown with a flood;

17. Who said unto El, Depart from us; and what can Shaddai do to them?

18. Yet He filled their batim (houses) with tov; but the etza (counsel) of the resha'im is far from me.

19. The tzaddikim see it, and are glad, and the naki (innocent) laugh them to scorn.

20. Verily our foe is destroyed, and the abundance of them the eish consumeth.

21. Acquaint now thyself with Him, and so hast thou shalom; thereby tovah shall come unto thee.

22. Receive, now, torah from His mouth, and lay up His words in thine lev.

23. If thou return to Shaddai, thou shalt be restored; if thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy ohalim;

24. Then shalt thou lay up gold as aphar, and that of Ophir as the tzur of the brooks.

25. Yea, Shaddai shall be thy gold, and thy precious kesef.

26. For then shalt thou have thy delight in Shaddai, and shalt lift up thy face unto Eloah.

27. Thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him, and He shall hear thee, and thou shalt fulfill thy nederim.

28. Thou shalt also decide a matter, and it shall be established unto thee, and the ohr shall shine upon thy ways.

29. When they are cast down, thou shalt say, Arise, and He shall save the one with low eynayim (i.e., humility).

30. He shall deliver even the guilty; and he is delivered by the bar (cleanness) of thine hands.