Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 19:19-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. All my metei sod (confidants) detest me, and they whom I loved are turned against me.

20. My etzem cleaveth to my ohr (skin) and to my basar, and I am escaped only by the skin of my teeth.

21. Chanuni, chanuni, O ye my friends; for the yad Eloah hath touched me.

22. Why do ye persecute me like El, not satisfied with my basar?

23. Oh that my words were but written! O that they were recorded in a sefer!

24. That they were engraved with a pen of barzel and with oferet (lead) in the tzur forever!

25. For Ani yadati Goeli chai (I know that my Redeemer liveth), and that he shall stand up at Acharon (at the Last) upon aphar (dust, the earth);

26. And though after my ohr (skin) has been thus destroyed, yet from my basar I shall see Eloah;

27. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold and no other; my heart faints within me.