Orthodox Jewish Bible

Iyov 15:19-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. Unto whom alone ha'aretz was given, and no zar passed among them.

20. The reshah travaileth with pain all his yamim, and numbered shanim are reserved for the oppressor.

21. A dreadful sound is in his oznayim; during shalom the shoded (destroyer) shall come upon him.

22. He believeth not in a return from choshech, and he is marked for the cherev.

23. He wandereth about after lechem, saying, Where is it? He has da'as the Yom Choshech is near at hand for him.

24. Distress and anguish shall make him afraid; they shall seize him as a melech poised for battle.

25. For he stretcheth out his yad against El (G-d), and with insolence vaunts himself against Shaddai.

26. He charges against Him, with a stiff neck, with the thick bosses of his mogen (shield);

27. Though he covereth his panim with his fatness, and addeth fat on his flanks;

28. And he dwelleth in desolate towns, and in batim (houses) which no man inhabiteth, which are ready to crumble to rubble.