Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hoshea 8:10-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. Yea, though they have bargained among the Goyim, now will I gather them, and they shall begin to diminish on account of the massa (burden) of Melech Sarim.

11. Because Ephrayim hath built many mizbechot for sin, mizbechot shall be unto him to sin.

12. I have written to him the many things of My torah, but they were regarded as a zar (strange thing).

13. They sacrifice basar for the sacrifices of Mine offerings, and eat it; but Hashem accepteth them not; now will He remember their avon (iniquity), and visit punishment on their sins; they shall return to Mitzrayim.

14. For Yisroel hath forgotten His Maker, and buildeth heikhalot; and Yehudah hath multiplied fortified towns; but I will send eish upon his towns, and it shall devour the citadels thereof.