Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hoshea 8:1-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Set the shofar to thy lips. He [the Assyrian enemy] shall come as a nesher against the Bais Hashem, because they have transgressed My brit (covenant), and committed pesha against My torah.

2. Yisroel shall cry unto Me, Elohai, we know Thee. We, Yisroel!

3. Yisroel hath cast off the thing that is tov; the oyev (enemy) shall pursue him.

4. They have set up melachim, but not from Me; they have made sarim (princes), and I knew it not; of their kesef and their zahav have they made them atzabim (idols), that they may be cut off.

5. Thy egel (calf-idol), O Shomron, I am casting off; Mine anger is kindled against them; how long will they be incapable of nikkayon (innocency, freedom from punishment)?

6. They are from Yisroel! The craftsman made it; therefore it is not Elohim; but the egel of Shomron shall be broken in pieces.