Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hoshea 7:1-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. When I would have healed Yisroel, then the avon (iniquity) of Ephrayim was exposed, and the ra'ot (crimes) of Shomron; for they practice sheker; and the ganav intrudes, and the bandit robs bachutz (in the street).

2. And they consider not in their levavot that I remember all their ra'ah; now their own evil doings surround them; they are before My face.

3. They make the Melech glad with their ra'ah, and the sarim (princes) with their lies.

4. They are all no'afim (adulterers), as an oven heated by the baker, who ceaseth stirring from the kneading of the batzek (dough), until its chametz leavening rises.

5. In the Yom Malkeinu the sarim (princes) have made him sick with the heat of yayin; he has stretched out his hand with the letzim (mockers).

6. For they have made ready their lev like an oven, while they lie in wait; their anger smolders kol halailah; in the boker it burneth like an eish of flame.