Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hoshea 6:8-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. Gil`ad is a city of evildoers, is trodden with dahm.

9. And as gedudim (marauders) lie in wait for a man, so the chever (band) [of] kohanim murder in the way to Shechem; for they commit shameful crimes.

10. I have seen a horrible thing in Bais Yisroel: there is the zenut (whoredom) of Ephrayim; Yisroel is tameh (unclean, defiled).

11. Also, O Yehudah, he hath set a katzir (harvest [of punishment]) for thee, when I turn the Shevut Ami (Captivity of My people, i.e., restore their fortunes).