Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hoshea 2:18-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

18. [2:20] And in Yom Hahu will I make a brit (covenant) for them with the beasts of the sadeh and with the fowls of Shomayim, and with the creeping things of the adamah; and I will abolish the keshet and the cherev and the milchamah from ha'aretz, and will make them to lie down in safety.

19. [2:21] And I will betroth thee unto Me l'olam; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in tzedek, and in mishpat, and in chesed, and in rachamim.

20. [2:22] I will even betroth thee unto Me in emunah (faithfulness, fidelity): then thou shalt know Hashem.