Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hisgalus 6:9-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. And when he opened the chotam hachamishi (fifth seal), I saw underneath the Mizbe'ach (altar) the nefashot (souls) of the ones having died al kiddush ha-Shem, having been slain as martyrs because of the dvar Hashem (word of G-d) and because of their solemn eidus (testimony) which they had given. [SHEMOT 29:12; VAYIKRA 4:7]

10. And they cried out, saying, Rabbono shel Olam, HaKadosh and HaNe'eman, ad mosai (how much longer) is it to be until you judge and avenge dahmeinu (our blood) on the inhabitants of ha'aretz (the earth)? [TEHILLIM 119:84; ZECHARYAH 1:12; DEVARIM 32:43; MELACHIM BAIS 9:7; TEHILLIM 79:10]

11. And they were each given a kittel (white robe) and it was told them that they will rest yet a little while, until the mispar (number) should be complete of their fellow avadim (servants) and their Achim b'Moshiach, the ones about to die al kiddush ha-Shem, being about to be killed as martyrs as they were.

12. And I saw when he opened the chotam hashishi (sixth seal), a great earthquake occurred and the shemesh (sun) became shakhor (black) as sackcloth made of hair and the whole levanah (moon) became like dahm. [Ps 97:4; Isa 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Isa 50:3]

13. And the kokhavim (stars) of Shomayim fell to ha'aretz (the earth), as an etz te'enah (fig tree) casts off its unripe figs when being shaken by a great wind. [YESHAYAH 34:4]

14. And Shomayim split apart as a megillah scroll being rolled up; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. [TEHILLIM 46:2; YESHAYAH 54:10; YIRMEYAH 4:24; YECHEZKEL 38:20; NACHUM 1:5]

15. And the melachim (kings) of ha'aretz (the earth) and the gedolim (great ones) and the military leaders and the oishirim (rich men) and the strong men and all avadim (slaves) and Bnei Chorin (freedmen) hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains. [YESHAYAH 2:10,19,21]

16. And they say to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One sitting on the Kes (Throne) and from the za'am (wrath, anger, 16:1f) of the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach), [HOSHEA 10:8]

17. Because the Yom HaGadol, the Yom HaZa'am, the Great Day of Their Wrath has come, and who is able to stand? [Joel 1:15; 2:1,2,11,31; Zeph 1:14,15; Nah 1:6; Mal 3:2]