Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hisgalus 1:13-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. And in the midst of the menorot stood One like the Ben HaAdam [DANIEL 7:13-14; YECHEZKEL 1:26], having been clothed in a Beketch (long coat) reaching to the feet and having been wrapped around at the chest with a golden gartel. [DANIEL 7:13; YECHEZKEL 1:26; 9:2,11 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM; DANIEL 10:5,16; YESHAYAH 6:1]

14. And the rosh of him and the hair were lavan (white), like wool, like snow, and the eynayim (eyes) of him were like a flame of eish (fire), [DANIEL 7:9]

15. And the feet of him were like burnished bronze as if in a furnace having been made to glow, and the kol (voice) of him as the sound of mayim rabbim (many waters). [DANIEL 10:6; YECHEZKEL 1:7,24; 43:2; YESHAYAH 1:20; 49:2; SHOFETIM 5:31]

16. And he had in the yad yamin (right hand) of him shevat hakokhavim (seven stars) and out of the mouth of him a sharp two-edged cherev (sword) going forth and the face of him was like the shemesh (sun) shining in its power. [YESHAYAH 1:20; 49:2; SHOFETIM 5:31]

17. And when I saw him [Moshiach], I fell at the feet of him as though dead, and he placed the yad yamin [right hand] of him upon me saying, Do not fear; I am HaRishon (The First) and HaAcharon (The Last) [YESHAYAH 41:4; 44:6; 48:12; YECHEZKEL 1:28; DANIEL 8:17,18;]

18. And HaChai (The Living One), and I became Niftar, I had my histalkus (passing), and, hinei, Chai Ani l'Olam va'ed (I am alive forevermore) and I have the maftekhot haMavet (keys of Death) and the maftekhot haShe'ol (keys of the abode of the Dead). [YESHAYAH 41:4; 44:2,6; 48:12; YECHEZKEL 1:28; DANIEL 4:34; 12:7; 8:17-18; DEVARIM 32:40; IYOV 38:17]

19. Therefore, write down the Chazon (Revelation, Prophecy, Vision, Hisgalus, CHABAKUK 2:2), that is, the things you saw and the things which are and the things which are about to happen after these things. [YESHAYAH 48:6 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM; DANIEL 2:28,29,45]

20. The raz (mystery, sod) of the shevat hakokhavim (seven stars) which you saw in the yad yamin (right hand) of me and the sheva golden menorot: the shevat hakokhavim are the malachim (angels) of the Kehillot (Congregations) and the sheva menorot are the sheva Kehillot.