Orthodox Jewish Bible

Hisgalus 1:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The Hisgalus [Revelation, Appearance, Exposure of what is Nistar (Hidden), Sod (Secret), Raz (Mystery)] of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua which Hashem gave to him to show to his mesharetim (servants, klei kodesh, ministers) MAH DI LEHEVE ("what will happen," Dan 2:28f), the things which are destined to take place, and speedily; Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach made it known by sending his malach (angel) to his mesharet (servant, keli kodesh, minister), Yochanan. [AMOS 3:7]

2. Yochanan gave solemn eidus (testimony) to the Dvar Hashem and to the eidus of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, even to all that Yochanan saw.

3. Ashrey (Blessed, Happy) is the one reading and the ones hearing the divrei hanevu'ah (words of [this] prophecy) and remaining shomer regarding what is written in it, for karov (near) is HaYom [the time of crisis and the events related to the Bias HaMoshiach].

4. Yochanan to the sheva (seven) hakehillot (congregations) in Asia: Chen v'Chesed Hashem to you and Shalom from the One who is [SHEMOT 3:14], who was, and who is to come [YESHAYAH 41:4], and from the shevat haruchot which are before Hashem's Kes (Throne) [merkavah chariot throne in Shomayim, YECHEZKEL 1:4-28].

5. And from Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the ed hane'eman (faithful witness), the BECHOR (Firstborn, TEHILLIM 89:28 [27]) of the Mesim and the Nagid, ELYON L'MALKHEI A'RETZ ("Leader, Most exalted of Kings of the earth, TEHILLIM 89:27). To the One who has ahavah for us and has freed us [from the Golus of, YESHAYAH 59:2; 53:3] peyshaeinu [our transgressions, YESHAYAH 53:5] by [Geulah redemption through the kofer pedut ransom korban of his nefesh (YESHAYAH 53:10) in the kapporah atonement of] the dahm of him, [TEHILLIM 130:8; YESHAYAH 40:2; TEHILLIM 89:38; YIRMEYAH 42:5; YESHAYAH 55:4; BERESHIS 22:8; SHEMOT 12:13; YESHAYAH 53:7; VAYIKRA 17:11]