Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 9:18-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

18. And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and Rav Sha'ul saw again, and, having got up, he submitted to Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva.

19. And having received okhel (food), Rav Sha'ul regained strength. Now he was with the talmidim in Damascus several yamim.

20. And immediately in the shuls Rav Sha'ul was preaching Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, saying, "He is the Ben HaElohim."

21. And all the ones listening were astonished, and they were saying, "Is this not the one making havoc in Yerushalayim among the ones invoking this shem and was not his tachlis (purpose) in coming here to bind them over before the Rashei Hakohanim?"

22. But Rav Sha'ul even more was being strengthened and was confounding the unbelieving Yehudim dwelling in Damascus, by proving that this Yehoshua is the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.