Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 8:6-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. And the multitudes with one accord were paying attention to the things being said by Philippos, as they heard him and saw the otot which he was accomplishing.

7. For many had ruchot teme'ot coming out, crying out with a kol gadol, and many having been paralyzed and many pisechim (lame ones) were given refu'ah shleimah.

8. And there was great simchah in that city.

9. Now a certain ish by name Shimon was previously in the city practicing magic and astonishing the people of Shomron, saying that he himself was an ish of gadlus (with remarkable superiority) and gadol.

10. And to this certain Shimon everyone from katon to gadol was paying attention, saying, "Hinei! This man is the ko'ach (power) of Hashem, the ko'ach hagadol."

11. And they were giving heed to him, because he for a long time had astonished them by magic tricks.

12. But when they had emunah (faith) in what Philippos preached about the Malchut Hashem and the Shem of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, they, both anashim and nashim, were submitting to Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva.

13. And Shimon himself also had emunah, and, having submitted to Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva, was following Philippos, and, seeing otot and nifla'ot and moftim hagedolim taking place, he was constantly mishpoyel (standing in awe).

14. And when Moshiach's Shlichim heard in Yerushalayim that Shomron has accepted the dvar Hashem, they sent Kefa and Yochanan to them,

15. Who, having come down, davened for them that they might receive the Ruach Hakodesh.

16. For the Ruach Hakodesh had not yet fallen upon any one of them, but only they had received a tevilah of teshuva in a mikveh mayim b'Shem Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu.

17. Then Kefa and Yochanan were laying their hands upon them, and they were receiving the Ruach Hakodesh.

18. And when Shimon saw that through the laying on of hands of Moshiach's Shlichim that the Ruach Hakodesh is given, he brought to them kesef,

19. Saying, "Give me also this samchut that on whomever I may lay my hands such may receive the Ruach Hakodesh."

20. But Kefa said to him, "May your kesef perish with you because the matnat Hashem you thought by kesef to acquire. [2Kg 5:16; Dt 5:17]

21. "There is not to you a chelek (allotted portion) nor share in this matter, for your lev (heart) is krum (deviant) and not upright before Hashem. [Neh 2:20; Ps 78:37]

22. "Therefore make teshuva from your wickedness and daven (pray) to Hashem if efsher (perhaps) you will receive selicha (forgiveness) for the intent of your lev,

23. "For I see you are in bitter gall and the bond of haresha." [Dt 29:18 TARGUM HASHIVIM; Jer 4:18; Isa 58:6]

24. And in reply Shimon said, "Daven for me to Hashem that nothing may come upon me of which you have spoken." [SHEMOT 8:8; BAMIDBAR 21:7; MELACHIM ALEF 13:6; YIRMEYAH 42:2]