Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 4:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now while they were speaking to the people, the kohanim and the Sar Tzeva HaHeikhal, and the Tzedukim (Sadducees), approached them,

2. Being greatly annoyed, because they were teaching HaAm and preaching in Yehoshua the Techiyas HaMesim.

3. And they took them with their hands, and put them in the beis hasohar until the next day, for it was already erev.

4. And many of the ones having listened to the dvar Hashem had emunah; and the number of the men came to be lav davka (approximately) chameshet alafim.

5. And it came about on the next day their manhigim and Zekenim and the Sofrim were gathered together in Yerushalayim,

6. And also Anan the Kohen Gadol and Caiapha and Yochanan and Alexander and as many as were of the mishpochah of the Kohen Gadol.

7. And when they had placed the Moshiach's Shlichim in their midst, they were inquiring, "By what ko'ach or in what Shem have you done this?"

8. Then Kefa, having been filled with the Ruach Hakodesh, said to them, "Sarei HaAm and Zekenim,