Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 3:13-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. "Hashem, Elohei Avraham V'Elohei Yitzchak V'Elohei Ya'akov, the G-d of Avoteinu, has brought kavod to his mesharet, his Eved, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate when you decided to release the other one. [SHEMOT 3:6,15; YESHAYAH 52:13;53:11]

14. "But you denied HaKadosh and the Tzaddik and you asked for a man who was a rotzeach (murderer) to be granted unto you,

15. "but the Sar HaChayyim you did away with, whom Hashem made to stand up alive again from the mesim, of which we are edim (witnesses).

16. "And on the basis of emunah in Shmo (Name), this ish whom you see and know, the Shem of Yehoshua has made him strong; ken, and it is emunah (faith) that comes through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, which has given a refu'ah shleimah (complete healing) to this man in the presence of all of you.

17. "And now, Achim, I realize that according to a lack of da'as you acted, as did also your manhigim (leaders).

18. "But Hashem has thus fulfilled the things which he announced beforehand through the mouth of all the Nevi'im that the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach should undergo Messianic yissurim (sufferings).

19. "Therefore, make teshuva (repentance, turning from chet [sin] to G-d) and turn in order that your chatta'im, your averos (sins) may be removed, [TEHILLIM 51:1; YESHAYAH 43:25; 44:22]