Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 27:25-40 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

25. "Therefore have lev same'ach, Anashim. For I have emunah in Hashem that it will be exactly as he has told me.

26. "But it is necessary for us to run aground on some island."

27. Now when the fourteenth night had come, while we being driven about in the Adriatic Sea, toward chatzot halailah (midnight), the sailors were suspecting that we were getting close to land.

28. And having taken soundings, they found twenty fathoms and, having sailed a little vaiter (farther), again they took soundings, and they found fifteen fathoms.

29. And fearing lest somehow against the rough places we might run aground, they threw four anchors off the stern, and they were praying for the dawn to break.

30. Now when the sailors sought to flee from the oniyah and to let down the lifeboat into the sea on the pretext of casting out anchors,

31. Rav Sha'ul said to the centurion and to the chaiyalim, "Unless these remain in the oniyah, you cannot be saved."

32. Then the chaiyalim cut away the ropes of the lifeboat, and let it fall away, setting it adrift.

33. Just before boker, Rav Sha'ul was urging everyone to take okhel (food), saying, "Today is the 14th day you have been held in suspense and are continuing without eating, having taken nothing.

34. "Therefore, I encourage you to take okhel, for it is for your deliverance, for none of you will lose a hair from your heads."

35. And having said these things, and having taken lechem, Rav Sha'ul said the HaMotzi before all, and, after the Betzi'at HaLechem, he began to eat.

36. And receiving ometz lev, they all took okhel.

37. Now there were in all two hundred and seventy-six nefashot in the oniyah.

38. And having eaten enough okhel (food), they were lightening the oniyah by throwing the wheat overboard into the sea.

39. And when it became day, they were not recognizing the land, but a certain bay they were noticing, having a shore onto which they were wanting, if possible, to run aground the oniyah.

40. And the anchors they cast off and they left them in the sea. At the same time they loosened the ropes of the rudders and raised the sail to the wind and were steering toward the shore.