Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 26:20-32 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20. "But beginning with the ones in Damascus and also with those in Yerushalayim, and with all the region of Yehudah and with the Goyim, I was preaching they should make teshuva and turn to Hashem, doing ma'asim mitzvot worthy of teshuva. [YIRMEYAH 18:11; 35:15]

21. "Because of these things, the unbelieving Yehudim seized me while I was in the Beis Hamikdash, and were trying to kill me.

22. "To this day I have obtained ezer (help) from Hashem, to stand and give solemn edut (testimony) before both ketanim and Gedolim, testifying about nothing beyond the Orthodox Jewish faith based on what the Nevi'im and Moshe Rabbenu said would happen:

23. "That is, the yissurim (sufferings) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and that by being rishon to stand up alive in the Techiyas HaMoshiach, he would proclaim ohr both to K'lal Yisroel and the Nations."

24. And while he was saying these things in his hitstaddekut, Festus in a kol gadol shouts, "Rav Sha'ul, all your yeshiva learning has made you meshuggah!"

25. But Rav Sha'ul says, "I am not meshuggah, most excellent Festus; I am speaking dvarim of Emes and Ta'am (Reason).

26. "For HaMelech has da'as of these matters, to whom also I am speaking freely, for I am sure that absolutely none of these things escape his notice, for this has not been done in a corner.

27. "Agrippa HaMelech, do you believe in the Nevi'im? I have da'as that you do believe."

28. And Agrippa said to Rav Sha'ul, "You think, do you, that as quick as that you can make me mekabel Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach?"

29. But Rav Sha'ul said, "I would daven that Hashem, quickly or not, might make not only you but all listening to me today as I am, apart from these sharsherot (chains)."

30. HaMelech and the Moshel and Bernice and the ones sitting with them got up.

31. And having withdrawn, they were saying to one another, "This man does nothing worthy of the death penalty or imprisonment."

32. And Agrippa said to Festus, "This man could have been released, if he had not appealed to Caesar."