Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 26:12-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. "This it was, that as I was traveling to Damascus with authorization and permission from the Rashei Hakohanim,

13. "At noon on the derech, O Melech, I saw from Shomayim an ohr, more brilliant than the shemesh, shining around me and around the ones traveling with me.

14. "And we all fell down to the ground. Then I heard a kol saying to me in the language of the Hebrews, 'Sha'ul, Sha'ul, why are you bringing redifah upon me? It is hard for you to kick keneged (against) the prod.'

15. "And I said, 'Who are you Adoni?' And HaAdon said, 'I am Yehoshua upon whom you are bringing redifah.

16. 'But get up and stand on your feet. For this tachlis, then, I appeared to you, to give you s'michah as a mesharet, an eved, and an eidus (witness), both of what things you have seen and the things which I will reveal to you. [Ezek 2:1; Dan 10:11]

17. 'I will deliver you from your own people and from the Goyim to whom I am sending you, [YIRMEYAH 1:8,19]

18. 'To open their eyes, to turn them from choshech to ohr and from the samchut of Hasatan to Hashem, that they receive selichat avon and nachalah among the ones having been set apart in kedushah by emunah in me.' [YESHAYAH 35:5; TEHILLIM 18:28; YESHAYAH 42:7,16]

19. "O Agrippa HaMelech, I was not disobedient to the chazon from Shomayim. [YESHAYAH 50:5]

20. "But beginning with the ones in Damascus and also with those in Yerushalayim, and with all the region of Yehudah and with the Goyim, I was preaching they should make teshuva and turn to Hashem, doing ma'asim mitzvot worthy of teshuva. [YIRMEYAH 18:11; 35:15]

21. "Because of these things, the unbelieving Yehudim seized me while I was in the Beis Hamikdash, and were trying to kill me.

22. "To this day I have obtained ezer (help) from Hashem, to stand and give solemn edut (testimony) before both ketanim and Gedolim, testifying about nothing beyond the Orthodox Jewish faith based on what the Nevi'im and Moshe Rabbenu said would happen:

23. "That is, the yissurim (sufferings) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and that by being rishon to stand up alive in the Techiyas HaMoshiach, he would proclaim ohr both to K'lal Yisroel and the Nations."