Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 25:1-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Therefore Festus, having arrived in the Province, after shloshah yamim went up from Caesarea to Yerushalayim,

2. Where the Rashei Hakohanim and manhigim of the Yehudim explained to Festus the charges keneged Rav Sha'ul, and they were begging him,

3. Asking a favor from him, that Festus might summon Rav Sha'ul to Yerushalayim, while at the same time they were forming a kesher to kill him along the way.

4. Festus answered that Rav Sha'ul was to be kept in Caesarea and that Festus himself intended quickly to go there.

5. "Therefore, those in authority among you," Festus says, "should come down with me, and if there is anything in the wrong about Rav Sha'ul, then let them bring charges against him."

6. And having stayed with them no more than shmonah or asarah yamim, Festus went down to Caesarea; the next day he sat on the Kes HaMishpat and ordered Rav Sha'ul to be brought in.

7. When Rav Sha'ul came in, the Judeans who had come down from Yerushalayim stood around him and brought serious charges keneged (against) him, which they were not able to prove.

8. Rav Sha'ul defended himself, saying, "Neither keneged the Torah nor keneged the Beis Hamikdash nor keneged Caesar have I done anything wrong."

9. But Festus, wishing to grant the Judeans a favor, said in reply to Rav Sha'ul, "Do you want to go up to Yerushalayim to be judged by me there concerning these things?"

10. And Rav Sha'ul said, "I am standing before the Kes HaMishpat of Caesar, where it is necessary for me to be tried. I have done no wrong to my Jewish people, as you also have da'as very well.

11. "Now if I have done wrong and am worthy of mavet, I am not trying to escape the penalty. But if there is nothing to the charges these bring against me, no one is able to hand me over to them. Therefore, I appeal to Caesar."

12. Then Festus, having talked with his council, answered, "To Caesar you have appealed, to Caesar you will go."

13. After several yamim had passed, Agrippa HaMelech and Bernice arrived in Caesarea, having paid their respects to Festus.