Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 24:1-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And after chamash yamim, the Kohen Gadol Chananyah came down with some Zekenim and an orator, a certain Tertullus, who explained to the Moshel the charges keneged (against) Rav Sha'ul.

2. And when Rav Sha'ul had been summoned, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, "Your Excellency, much shalom has been attained through you, and reforms have come to this nation by your foresight.

3. "This in every way and everywhere, we acknowledge, most excellent Felix, with todah rabbah.

4. "But in order that I may not detain you any longer, I beg you in your kindness to hear us briefly.

5. "For having found this man a troublemaker and an inciter of riots among all the Yehudim throughout kol ha'aretz, a manhig of the kat [of Judaism], the Natzrati Kat.

6. "He even tried to desecrate the Beis Hamikdash! And so we apprehended him, [and would have tried him according to our own law;]

7. "But the sar haelef Lysias came, and with great ko'ach took him away out of our hands, and ordered his adversaries to come unto you.

8. "When you examine him, you will be able to find out yourself regarding all these things of which we accuse him."

9. And the rest of the Judeans joined in the attack, saying that these things were so.

10. And when the Moshel nodded to him to speak, Rav Sha'ul answered, "Knowing that for many years you have been a shofet (judge) to this nation, I cheerfully make my hitstaddekut.

11. "You will be able to learn that not more than twelve days have elapsed since I made an aliyah to worship in Yerushalayim.

12. "And neither in the Beis Hamikdash did they find me conversing with anyone nor did they find me stirring up the multitude either in the shuls or anywhere in Yerushalayim.

13. "Nor are they able to prove to you concerning the things of which now they are accusing me.