Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 23:5-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. And Rav Sha'ul said, "I was without da'as, Achim, that he is the Kohen Gadol, for it has been written, NASI V'AMMECHA LO TA'OR ("A ruler of your people you will not speak evil of, curse,")[ Ex 22:27,28]

6. And Rav Sha'ul, having da'as that one kat is of Tzedukim (Sadducees) and the other of Perushim (Pharisees), was crying out in the Sanhedrin, "Anashim, Achim, I am a Parush ben Parush and it is for the tikvah of the Techiyas HaMesim that I am being judged."

7. Now when Rav Sha'ul said this, there came about a machlochet (controversy) between the Perushim and Tzedukim, and the multitude was divided.

8. Loit (according to) the Tzedukim, there is no Techiyas HaMesim nor a malach nor ruchot, but Perushim acknowledge all these things.

9. And there was a kol gadol and some of the Sofrim of the kat of the Perushim were arguing vigorously, saying, "Nothing rah do we find keneged this ish, and what if a ruach did speak to him or a malach?"

10. And fearing much more machloket was coming, the Roman tribune ordered the troops to go down to take Rav Sha'ul away from the midst of them and to bring him into the barracks lest he be torn to pieces by them.

11. And on the following lailah, HaAdon stood by Rav Sha'ul and said, "Chazak! For as you gave solemn edut about me in Yerushalayim, thus it is necessary for you also to bear solemn eidus in Rome."

12. In the boker, the Judeans joined in a kesher and bound themselves with a shevu'ah that none of them would eat or drink until they had carried out their plot of retzichah b'seter of Rav Sha'ul.

13. Now there were more than arba'im anashim (forty men) who joined in this kesher.

14. After they approached the Rashei HaKohanim (Chief Priests) and the Zekenim (Elders), they said, "We have bound ourselves with a shevu'ah (oath) to eat nothing until we have killed Rav Sha'ul.

15. "Now, therefore, you with the Sanhedrin notify the tribune so that he may bring Rav Sha'ul down to you as if intending to determine more accurately the things concerning him, and, before he draws near, we are ready to kill him."

16. Now when Rav Sha'ul's achyon (nephew) heard about the ma'arav (ambush), he went and gained entrance into the barracks and reported this to Rav Sha'ul.