Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 16:22-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

22. And the multitude rose up together keneged Rav Sha'ul and Sila; and the chief magistrates, having torn off the kaftans of Moshiach's Shlichim, were giving orders to beat them.

23. And having inflicted klop after klop upon these Jewish men, they threw Rav Sha'ul and Sila into the beis hasohar, giving orders to the soher to guard them securely.

24. And the soher, having received such an order, threw them into the inner beis hasohar, and he fastened their feet in the stock. [IYOV 13:27; 33:11; YIRMEYAH 20:2,3; 29:26]

25. And about chatzot halailah Rav Sha'ul and Sila were davening and were singing niggunim to Hashem, and the prisoners were listening to them.

26. And, suddenly, there came a gevaltike earthquake, so that the beis hasohar was shaken to its foundations, and immediately were opened all delatot (doors) and all sharsherot (chains) were unfastened.

27. And the soher, having awakened and having seen the delatot of the beis hasohar having been opened, drew his cherev (sword) and was about to commit suicide, thinking the prisoners had run away.

28. But Rav Sha'ul shouted with a kol gadol, saying, "Do no harm to yourself, for we are all here."