Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 15:11-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. "On the contrary, Anu Ma'aminim (We believe) that we Jews come to Yeshu'at Eloheinu by the Chen v'Chesed Hashem of the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu in the same Derech Hashem as those non-Jews do also." [Ro 3:9,30; Ga.3:12-13; Isa 53:9-12; Pp.3:9; Dt 9:4-6; Lk 18:11-12]

12. And then all the multitude was silent and they were listening to Bar-Nabba and Rav Sha'ul describing what otot and moftim Hashem did among the Nations through them.

13. And after Rav Sha'ul and Bar-Nabba fell silent, Moshiach's Shliach Ya'akov [see p.848] responded, saying, "Anashim, Achim b'Moshiach, listen to me.

14. "Shimon explained how Hashem first concerned Himself to receive from the Nations a people for SHMO [ZECHARYAH 6:12].

15. "And this is in agreement with the dvarim of the Nevi'im, just as it has been written,

16. 'After these things I will return and AKIM ES SUKKAT DOVID HANOFELET VHARISOTAV AKIM U'VENITIHA ("I will restore the tent of Dovid which has fallen and the things having been torn down of it I will rebuild and I will restore it"),

17. "So that the she'erit (remnant) of anashim might seek Hashem and all the GOYIM who are called by my Name,

18. "Says the L-rd, who makes these things known from long ago. [Amos 9:11f Targum HaShivim, 12; Jer 12:15; Isa 45:21]

19. "Therefore, it is my judgment not to trouble the ones from the Goyim turning in teshuva to Hashem,

20. "But to write to them to keep away from the pollution of elilim and of zenut and of the thing strangled and of dahm. [Lv 3:17; 7:26; 17:10 13; 19:26; Dt 12:16,23]

21. "For Moshe Rabbenu from ancient dorot in every shtetl has his maggidim and in the shuls every Shabbos he has been read."

22. Then it was mekabel (received) by the Moshiach's Shlichim and the Zekenim with the entire Kehillah to choose anashim from them to send to Syrian Antioch with Rav Sha'ul and Bar-Nabba, also Yehudah called Bar-Sabba, and Sila, all manhigim among the Achim b'Moshiach,

23. With the following iggeret: "From the Achim b'Moshiach, Moshiach's Shlichim and the Zekenim: to the Achim b'Moshiach throughout Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, to those from among the Nations, Shalom!

24. "Vi-bahlt (since) we heard that certain men had gone out from us, though not having any directives from us, and have given you mitzvot with dvarim unsettling your nefashot (souls),

25. "It was mekabel to us, having come to achdus in mind and having chosen anashim to send to you, along with our beloved chaverim Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul