Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 13:9-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. But Rav Sha'ul, the one also called Paulos, having been filled with the Ruach Hakodesh, gazed at him,

10. and said, "O ish full of all mirmah (deceit, fraud) and all resha, ben haSatan, oyev (enemy) of all Tzedek, will you not cease making crooked the straight paths of Hashem? [HOSHEA 14:9]

11. "Now-hinei-the yad Hashem is on you, and you will be blind, not seeing the shemesh (sun) for awhile." Immediately mistiness and choshech (darkness) fell on him, and, going about, he was seeking someone to lead him by the hand [SHEMOT 9:3; SHMUEL ALEF 5:6,7; TEHILLIM 32:4; BERESHIS 19:10,11; MELACHIM BAIS 6:18]

12. Then, the proconsul, having seen what had happened, had emunah, being mishpoyel (standing in awe) at the torah about Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.

13. And having put out to sea from Paphos, Rav Sha'ul and those with him came to Perga of Pamphylia. But Yochanan (Markos), having left them, returned to Yerushalayim.

14. But having gone on from Perga, they came to Pisidian Antioch, and, having entered the shul on Shabbos, they sat down.

15. After the kri'at HaTorah (reading of the Sefer Torah) and the kri'at HaNevi'im, the Rashei Beit HaKnesset sent to them, saying "Anashim Achim, if there is any dvar hachizzuk among you to the people, say it."

16. And having got up and having motioned with his hand, Rav Sha'ul said, "Anshei Yisroel, and Yirei Elohim, listen!

17. "Elohei HaAm Yisroel chose Avoteinu. Hashem made the people great during their sojourn in Eretz Mitzrayim, and with an uplifted arm He led them out of it, [SHEMOT 6:1,6,7; 14:8; DEVARIM 7:6-8]

18. "and lav davka (approximately) ARBA'IM SHANAH He put up with them in the desert [DEVARIM 1:31; BAMIDBAR 14:33,34; TEHILLIM 95:10; SHEMOT 16:35]

19. "and having destroyed SHIVAH GOYIM in eretz Kena'an, he gave as a nachalah (an inheritance) their land [DEVARIM 7:1; YEHOSHUA 14:2; 19:51; TEHILLIM 78:55]

20. "during lav davka (approximately) arba me'ot vachamashim shanah. After these things, He gave shofetim until Shmuel HaNavi. [SHOFETIM 2:16; SHMUEL ALEF 3:19,20]

21. "And then they asked for a melech, and Hashem gave to them Sha'ul Ben Kish, an ish from the shevet of Binyamin, for arba'im shanah [SHMUEL ALEF 8:5,19; 10:1; 9:1,2]

22. "And after having removed Sha'ul, Hashem raised up Dovid as a Melech for them. About Dovid also Hashem testified, saying 'I found Dovid Ben Yishai an ISH KILEVAVO ["a man after His (G-d's) heart"] who will do all My ratzon.' [SHMUEL ALEF 15:23; 16:13; TEHILLIM 89:20; SHMUEL ALEF 13:14; YIRMEYAH 3:15; YESHAYAH 44:28]