Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 13:36-39 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

36. "For Dovid, after in his own dor (generation) he had served birtzon Hashem, fell asleep, and VAYISHKAV DOVID IM AVOTAV ("and Dovid rested with his fathers") and he experienced decay. [SHMUEL BAIS 7:12; MELACHIM ALEF 2:10; SHOFETIM 2:10; DIVREY HAYAMIM BAIS 29:28]

37. "But whom Hashem made to stand up alive again did not experience decay.

38. "Let it be known, therefore, to you, Anashim Achim, that through this one, selicha (forgiveness) of chatta'im (averos [sins]) is proclaimed to you; and from all things of which by the Torah of Moshe Rabbenu you were not able to be justified,

39. "By this one everyone having emunah is justified.