Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 11:1-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And the Moshiach's Shlichim and the Achim b'Moshiach, the ones throughout Yehudah, heard that also the non-Jews received the dvar Hashem.

2. But when Kefa went up to Yerushalayim, those of the faction of the Bris Milah were taking issue with him,

3. Saying, "You entered into a bais of anashim arelim (uncircumcised men) and you sat at tish with them."

4. But Kefa began explaining to them beseder (in order), saying,

5. "I was davening in the shtetl of Yafo and in a trance I saw a chazon (vision) of a certain object descending like a large linen cloth lowered by four corners from Shomayim, and it came up to me.

6. "And when I had gazed upon it, I saw fourfooted animals of ha'aretz and chayyat hasadeh and remasim haAdamah and oph HaShomayim.

7. "And I heard also a bat kol saying to me, 'Get up, Kefa. Kill and eat.'

8. "But I said, `By no means, Adoni, because nothing common or tameh (unclean) has ever entered into my stomach.'

9. "And the bat kol answered for a second time from Shomayim, 'What Hashem made tahor (clean) do not declare tameh (unclean).'

10. "This happened shlosh pe'amim, and everything was pulled up again into Shomayim.